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Navigating Net Revenue and Revenue Cycle Performance: Strategies for Alignment


In the intricate dance of healthcare financial management, the connection between Net Revenue and Revenue Cycle performance is often overlooked or misunderstood. Finance teams may wield their analytical magic at month-end, declaring success or failure against budgets, while the Revenue Cycle, if engaged, grapples with specific encounter-level questions without full understanding of financial model mechanics. The result? A disjointed process that hinders a holistic and common understanding of performance. In this blog [...]

Navigating Net Revenue and Revenue Cycle Performance: Strategies for Alignment2023-12-21T12:24:26-05:00

Successfully Managing Your Remote Revenue Cycle Team


The field of revenue cycle management in healthcare has been rapidly changing over the years leading to an increasing number of revenue cycle teams adopting alternative work arrangements. This trend was accelerated by the pandemic, which forced revenue cycle staff to transition to working remotely. While remote work offers advantages such as flexible schedule and potential money savings, it also presents challenges when it comes to managing a remote team. In this [...]

Successfully Managing Your Remote Revenue Cycle Team2023-10-11T20:49:49-04:00

Preparing for a Seamless EMR Transition: Essential Steps for Revenue Cycle Success


Are you considering replacing your EMR system? Before diving into a new installation for your Revenue Cycle, it's crucial to explore several key prerequisites. While these topics often arise during the implementation process, addressing them beforehand can significantly streamline your EMR transition. While you don't need to finalize every detail before implementation, having a clear understanding of your current state, payer regulations, revenue cycle pain points due to your existing system, and [...]

Preparing for a Seamless EMR Transition: Essential Steps for Revenue Cycle Success2023-10-21T16:52:25-04:00

Implementing Epic Revenue Guardian


Revenue Guardian is a module within Epic which identifies areas of opportunity to increase charging efficiency and more importantly, catch accounts with missing charges.  If your healthcare organization is using Epic’s Resolute Hospital Billing application and you do not have a robust Revenue Guardian solution you may be missing out on revenue.  To that end, there are many considerations when choosing to implement or improve your existing Revenue Guardian edits.  If you [...]

Implementing Epic Revenue Guardian2023-10-24T11:53:15-04:00

Managing Your Outsourced Revenue Cycle


When healthcare organizations outsource their Revenue Cycle Management (RCM), they can “potentially” experience noteworthy cost savings and improved efficiency. Nonetheless, managing an outsourcing partner and achieving desired outcomes comes with its own set of challenges and oftentimes significant setbacks in performance.  There are several tactics organizations can implement to mitigate some of these risks. To maximize a successful partnership, healthcare organizations must establish Service Level Agreements (SLAs) that are clear, measurable, and [...]

Managing Your Outsourced Revenue Cycle2023-10-21T16:50:08-04:00

Coding Backlogs – What is Your Root Cause?


Blog Article By Vickie Bridge and Cheryl Nicholson Coding backlogs can create havoc on accounts receivables (A/R). Just as patient visit volumes fluctuate so do the number of patient accounts that need coded. Reduce coding backlogs with a consistent, proactive approach to managing discharged not final coded (DNFC) accounts. The root cause of coding backlogs can come from a variety of sources. As you analyze the coding workflow [...]

Coding Backlogs – What is Your Root Cause?2021-05-06T12:20:40-04:00

Medicare Annual Wellness Visits: Driving the Patient’s Personalized Prevention Plan


Many providers think administering Medicare Annual Wellness Visits (AWV) is simple and easy.  In reality, numerous providers continue to struggle and face challenges with developing the patient’s five-to-ten-year personalized prevention plan as required by Medicare.  Medicare requires the personalized plan to be developed during the initial AWV and updated annually during the subsequent AWV.  Challenges may derive from having deficient workflows, incomplete AWV templates, and confusion with understanding the Medicare AWV requirements.  [...]

Medicare Annual Wellness Visits: Driving the Patient’s Personalized Prevention Plan2021-01-16T19:10:04-05:00

Rebuilding Your Medicare Annual Wellness Visit Program in the Age of COVID


Provider volumes for medically necessary and preventive care visits dropped dramatically at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Volumes for medically necessary visits have largely rebounded because of the  relaxed telehealth and in-person visit guidelines, and providers have an opportunity to regrow preventive visit volumes as well.  In response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) issued on March 1, 2020, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) expanded access to telehealth [...]

Rebuilding Your Medicare Annual Wellness Visit Program in the Age of COVID2020-10-23T08:15:15-04:00

Getting More Out of Your Epic Activity Codes


Productivity.  The mere mention of the word elicits a variety of reactions throughout a business office.  How we measure and drive productivity can have a significant impact on metric performance, as well as team morale. Topics such as how to measure multiple actions taken on an account, accounts worked numerous times each day, complex vs. straightforward account populations, and group vs. individual productivity standards are just some of the issues that need to [...]

Getting More Out of Your Epic Activity Codes2020-10-09T16:12:36-04:00
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