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Marci Mollman

About Marci Mollman

Marci is a Director at Pinnacle Healthcare Advisors. Marci has 17+ years of experience helping hospitals and health systems achieve operational and technology improvements within patient access and the overall revenue cycle. She is goal oriented and has a demonstrated record of building relationships, motivating change, managing projects from concept to completion, and coaching associates to success. Click here to meet the other members of the Pinnacle Leadership Team

Patient Access: Opening the Front Door to the Revenue Cycle


After 20 years working in all facets of the revenue cycle, I still believe that providing additional support and pay parity to Patient Access is where we need to focus more of our time, energy, and resources. Patient Access is truly our front door into our clinics and hospitals and the way into all other departments.Access employees are often the first impression makers for our patients and their families. As the first [...]

Patient Access: Opening the Front Door to the Revenue Cycle2024-04-01T11:39:49-04:00
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